About Us


We believe in a God who is not angry with humanity but who absolutely loves mankind to the point of giving His own life for mankind's redemption.

We believe in a God who is eternally committed to the restoration of this earth.

We believe that having the above eschatological mindset is crucial to our intent to promote the advancement of God's kingdom on earth.

We believe in building according to divine pattern, as Moses was instructed concerning the Tabernacle in the wilderness.

We believe in the importance and centrality of strong families in developing and sustaining strong communities.

We believe that there is a right way, the Christed way, in which all aspects of human endeavor should be approached.


Above all else, we value the central place that the person and work of Christ (redemptive work on the Cross) must play in all that we do.

We value servanthood as manifested by Jesus' profound statement, in Mathew 23:11 which says, "The greatest among you will be your servant!"

We value the development and maturation of one's talent undergirded and sustained by the development of Christed character!

We value the uniqueness of each individual and welcome the unique aspect of the Father that has been imparted to every individual!

We value excellence in all things.

We value empirical manifestation above eloquent elocution.

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